Hours & Bell Schedule


Daily School Day Hours: 7:35 AM - 2:30 PM
Delayed Opening Hours: 9:35 AM - 2:30 PM
Early Dismissal Hours: 
7:35 AM - 12:08 PM

Print the WAMS Bell Schedule

 Regular Bell Schedule
 Quaker/HR 7:35 7:58
 1st 8:01 8:47
 2nd 8:50 9:36
 3rd 9:39 10:25
 4th 10:28   11:14
 5th (7th Lunch) 11:17 12:03
 6th (8th Lunch) 12:06 12:52 
 7th 12:55 1:41
 8th 1:44 2:30
*Late Bell 3:16pm Late Bus departs 3:18pm- Athletes Only Late Sports Bus 4:20pm
*Teachers may leave 2:55pm
 Early Dismissal Bell Schedule
 Quaker/HR 7:35 7:44
 1st 7:47 8:17
 2nd 8:20 8:50
 3rd 8:53 9:23
 4th 9:26 9:56
 5th (7th Lunch) 9:59 10:29
 6th (8th Lunch) 10:32 11:02
 7th 11:05 11:35
 8th 11:38 12:08
*Lunches are not served in the Cafeteria on Early Dismissal Days
 Delayed Opening Bell Schedule
 Quaker/HR 9:35 9:46 
 1st 9:49 10:19
 2nd 10:22 10:52
 3rd 10:55 11:25
 4th 11:28 11:58
 5th (7th Lunch) 12:01 12:41
 6th (8th Lunch) 12:44 1:24
 7th 1:27 1:57
 8th 2:00 2:30
*Late Bell 3:16pm Late Bus departs 3:18pm
*Teachers may leave at 2:55pm