24-25 Student Participation Fee Information

Activity Fee for MHS and WAMS - $150 for 1st and 2nd student.  3rd plus student is $0.  Family Cap is $300
All students participating in school-sponsored athletic or co-curricular activities are required to pay the MTPS Student Participation Fee

Payment Information


  • Before the first regular-season contest.
  • Any student not paying the fee as of the deadline will be removed from their activity and will not be allowed to participate in any capacity until the Participation Fee has been paid.

Conditional Refunds:

  • If a student is not selected to participate in an activity, they will receive a refund if it is the only activity the student plans to participate in during the school year. If the student is not selected, the parent must fill out the Student Participation Fee Refund Request Form.
  • Any participant who voluntarily chooses to leave a club, activity, or team or is dropped for disciplinary or scholastic deficiencies is not eligible for a refund after the first official date of the activity, not including the pre-season or audition period.

Technical Difficulties:

  • If you are having technical issues with the PaySchools website, please email [email protected] for assistance.