School Counseling

Contact Information: 856-778-6620 Extension 13170
Rachel Grant [email protected] -  8th Grade Counselor (long term sub for Sarah Airo)
Karen Sakoff 
[email protected] -  7th Grade Counselor
Yolanda Crespo [email protected] - Secretary
Guidance Program:
The guidance & Counseling Department at the middle school is committed to helping students and their parents in a variety of ways. The counselors are there to assist students and their families to become oriented to the educational environment and its requirements.

All parent questions or concerns about a child's academic, emotional and social welfare at the middle school can be channeled through the guidance department.

The guidance department plays a key role in assisting students in developing personal decision making skills, encouraging the development of high self-esteem, and helping students appreciate and value the differences of others. The program is designed to teach intermediate grade students about negative peer influence, building a good self-image, maintaining positive relationships, making choices one can feel good about, and coping with negative peer influences.

Intervention and Referral Services Committee (IRSC): The I Team
The I Team is composed of administrators, teachers, school nurse, Child Study Team members and counselors. They meet regularly to discuss students who are at risk for continued behavior or academic difficulty. The team gathers information on the referred student, assesses their level of risk, and, if needed work with the family to develop a plan for referral to any necessary resource for help. A variety of academic interventions, community resources and in-school programs are utilized. All work with students is kept strictly confidential.

Testing Programs - The following standardized tests are administered in the middle school:
7th Grade: PARCC testing
8th Grade: PARCC testing

During the spring all students will be given proficiency tests in their academic subjects. These tests help to assess the extent of student learning, the success of our curriculum, and provide data necessary for accurate student placement