Dispensing Medication At School

Moorestown Township Public Schools
William W. Allen, III, Middle School
801 North Stanwick Road
Moorestown, New Jersey 08057
Cynthia Battel, R.N., M.S.N.
School Nurse 
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The following guidelines for dispensing medication at school have been
approved by the Moorestown Board of Education (policy #5330):
1.     A written order is needed from the health care provider for any medication (including over-the-counter items) to be given at school.  The order must state the name of the medication, dose and time of administration.  One order is needed per school year.
2.     The medication shall be in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or in the original sealed container.
3.     The school nurse and/or parent or guardian are the only persons permitted to administer medication to your student in the school.
4.     The medication must be kept in the Health Office unless the student has written permission from the health care provider to self-medicate. (The only medication a student may self-medicate are Epi-Pen or asthma medications).
Please do not send medication to school with your student unless the above procedures are followed. 
If you have any questions please call me at 778-6620, ext. 13040, or by e-mail at [email protected].
Thank you.
Cynthia Battel RN, MSN